CPR / AED – First Aid (Multiple Dates)

CPR & AED Adult, Child & Infant and First Aid


  • Saturday, May 10th                   9:00am – 3:00pm
  • Wednesday, June 4th                9:00am – 3:00pm
  • Tuesday, June 17th (CPR)         6:00pm – 9:30pm  in person
  • Thursday, June 19th (First Aid) 6:00pm – 9:30pm  via Zoom

COST FOR CPR & FIRST AID: $80 (Individual class pricing available by request)

INSTRUCTOR: Arlene Reardon LMT, ASHI Certified Instructor

REGISTER: Call or Text Arlene at 908-265-2908 or email THWYou2022@gmail.com

For those requiring recertification, you need CPR and First Aid to renew your Massage Therapy license. This class is certified by the American Safety & Health Institute and all certificates are sent to you electronically.

First come first serve basis! Seats are limited and payment is required to reserve your spot. Please contact Arlene directly ASAP to save your seat.

Nurturing the Mother – Pregnancy Massage 16 CE’s 8/30 – 8/31/2025

Nurturing The Mother – 2 Day Pregnancy Massage Workshop 16 CE 

DATE: Saturday 8/30 – Sunday 8/31/2025
TIME: 9am – 6pm Daily
COST: $325 if Paid In Full by July 26th, $350 if Paid After July 26th

REGISTER / QUESTIONS / INFO: Call or email Shanda: 908-349-0504, shanda@heavenlyhandsmobile.com

Gain the skills to work with your client’s changing body. Be part of the magic and mystery of pregnancy – honoring and supporting the mother-baby bond. Feel confident giving a safe, therapeutic and firm massage through ALL stages of pregnancy and postpartum.

Shanda is passionate about nurturing others and is excited to be sharing Claire Marie Miller’s Nurturing the Mother® work with women, families and other massage therapists. Nurturing the Mother was conceived as a workshop and certification in 1990 by Claire Marie Miller. It was born out of the passion Claire has for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. It is also born of the desire to support women having an empowered journey as they become the mothers of our future generation.


  • Anatomy and physiology for pregnancy and birth
  • Pregnancy massage sequence
  • Cautions and contraindications for pregnancy massage
  • Guidelines for pregnancy massage for each trimester
  • Massage cautions and variations for high-risk pregnancies
  • Postpartum massage, with the principle of mother roasting: the application of heat along with specific bodywork techniques for the recovery and realignment of the mother.


  • 4 pillows – 2 king size and 2 standard
  • 3 sets of sheets
  • Unscented Oil

Kinetic Chain Release September 6th-7th 2025 – 15 CEU

What is KCR?
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR), developed by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert, is a series of gentle mobilizations and stretches, carefully crafted to quickly and effectively bring about postural changes that correct the body’s imbalances. KCR frees the human body of its physical and energetic blocks to return the body to its natural, dynamic, energized, active and lively state.
Who can benefit from KCR?
Everyone from the very young to the aged can benefit. KCR can have an amazing effect on people in the workplace, household, athletic performance, yoga studios, sports clubs, treatment centers and so much more. KCR brings relief from many conditions that cause pain and discomfort.
How can I incorporate KCR into my massage practice?
KCR can be added to your list of services and used as a stand-alone treatment session for clients. A KCR session can also be used before any modality. Once the body returns to a balanced state through KCR, it enables the body to receive further bodywork much more effectively.
What will you learn?
You will learn the complete 23 step KCR protocol with hands-on experience throughout the entire course. This course is approved by the NCBTMB for 15 CEU’s.
Dates: Saturday, September 6th – Sunday, September 7th
Times: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Cost: $450
Where do I sign up?
Click on the link below to book the course and register with the Kinetic Chain Release Academy first. I will send you a follow-up email with class details and payment information.
For more information or to contact the instructor:
Email: kristenogradylmt@gmail.com or call/text: 215-962-4325
Website: https://kristenogrady.massagetherapy.com/kinetic-chain-release-course

Kristen is an LMT licensed in NJ and PA. In 2016, she was trained in Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) directly by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert. In February of 2023, she was one of the first massage professionals trained and certified to teach this protocol in the United States.
“Over the years, I witnessed many clients have positive results from one session of KCR after years of trying different therapies. I would love to see more KCR practitioners and more people receiving KCR throughout the United States.”