Cupping & Gua Sha Certification Course – 8 or 16 CE 6/29 & 6/30

We are hosting a Gua Sha and Cupping class on Saturday, June 29th & Sunday, June 30th, 2024 here at Therapeutic Massage & Training Center in Westfield, NJ from 9am to 6pm.

You may take the Saturday class alone for 8 CE or both days for 16 CE credits.

Renée Osborne is the Instructor. She is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP) and Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) currently in practice and teaching in Ottawa ON. (She was raised in NJ and went to Canada for family reasons.)

Saturday – Day 1 – Cupping & Gua Sha Level 1 (No prerequisite) 8 CE hrs

  • Foundations of cupping & Gua Sha – History, use, functions, purposes, types of cupping
  • Proper sanitation & care of tools & location for maintaining clean technique
  • Basic five element theory – specific acu-points for cupping, location and uses
  • Application & indications of stationary and moving/ massage cupping
  • Myofascial – Trigger points for every muscle (except abdominals)
  • Client evaluation & Contraindications

Sunday – Day 2 – Cosmetic Cupping & Gua Sha (Cupping 1 prerequisite)  8 CE hrs

  • Facial, shoulder and neck massage
  • Application of cosmetic cupping & Gua Sha – face and body
  • Cellulite treatment/ reduction. Improving skin quality, colour & tone
  • Treatments for particular conditions and problem areas
  • Weight loss, Body toning & Breast enhancement

There will be theory, demonstration and practical components of this course where participants will perform cupping on one another to perfect proper technique and knowledge.

Tuition $310 for each class, Tuition, Books, Supply Kit & Certification Included

Register, or for more information, please contact Renée Osborne R.TCMP, R.Ac  at 613-304-6178 or her email:

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